Congratulations on your decision to enter Holy Matrimony in the Catholic Church. We at St. Vincent de Paul Parish welcome and rejoice with you! The celebration that you are planning and the lifelong commitment you are choosing to make are signs of God's great love for us all. At least eight months to one year prior to your anticipated wedding date, you should take the initial steps to begin the Marriage Preparation process. We are excited to be part of your decision to marry. This is a joyful time in your lives. We are here to support you and guide you through your preparation.
Weddings are celebrated in two forms at St. Vincent de Paul, either in the form of the Rite of Matrimony with Communion (a Nuptial Mass) or the Rite of Matrimony without Communion. The form of wedding ceremony will be based on the religious background of the bride and groom and which form best accommodates the families and guests who will be attending. In due respect to all faith traditions, St. Vincent de Paul Church is fully committed to making all of your families and guests feel welcome as brothers and sisters who are joining in the celebration of this joyous occasion. With this in mind, the Rite of Matrimony with Communion (a Nuptial Mass) is only permitted when both the bride and the groom are practicing Catholics and the majority of both of their families are practicing Catholics. All other weddings will be celebrated with the Rite of Matrimony without Communion, particularly when either the bride or groom is not a practicing Catholic or is of another faith tradition or when a majority of the families and guests in attendance are not practicing Catholics. It is important that the form of wedding ceremony does not point out the faith differences between the bride and the groom or their families or guests, but instead highlights the significance and beauty of marriage in which the bride and groom become one family.
For those wishing to explore the Sacrament of Matrimony, the Parish Life staff at St. Vincent de Paul is available to assist you and answer all of your questions.
Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel is complete and available for weddings. Contact Elizabeth Ducote at educote@svdp-edu.orgor Allyson Martin at for details.