Infant Baptism (0-6 Years Old)
We are excited to be a part of your child’s relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church through the Sacrament of Baptism! It is always a joyful experience for us to welcome a new Christian into the Church and into our parish community. Through baptism, your child will be adopted into God’s family, receive the grace of doorway into God’s Church. Baptism enables your child to grow in holiness by receiving the other sacraments as they mature.
Baptismal Preparation
Your child can only be 6 years old or younger for “Infant Baptism.” If your child is 7-years-old or older, please contact Kim Muncy for children 7 years of age through 5th grade at 713-663-3509 or for details or Laura Rivera for Children 6th grade through 12th grade at 713-663-3528 or for details.
We need a copy of your child’s legal Birth Certificate 2 weeks prior to the date of the scheduled Baptism in order to create your child’s Baptism Certificate.
Parents are required to attend a Baptismal Preparation class at least one month before the scheduled date of your child’s Baptism. Godparents are strongly encouraged to attend the class along with the parents.
If you’ve already attended a Baptism class within 3 years, you will need to submit verification of when and where this was completed.
Not a member of the parish? We need a letter of permission from the pastor of your current parish before we baptize your child. If you live nearby, we encourage you to join our parish today.
The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on the 2nd & 3rd Saturdays each month at 9:30 am in English and on the 2nd Saturday in Spanish at 10:30 am The schedule may change in April if there is a conflict with the Easter celebration and May’s First Holy Communion masses. To schedule Baptism please contact Kelly Hermann at 713-667-9111 the Baptism office is closed on Wednesdays.
St. Vincent de Paul Parish does not engage private Baptisms.
Forms to Return
To help you through this process, the following forms can be found in this packet and will need to be returned to the parish office (email or hand-delivery). You will be contacted by our baptism coordinator within one week to confirm your child’s Baptism date, and again 2 days before the ceremony for last minute details.
Sacrament of Baptism Ceremony Registration form (must be submitted in order to reserve a Baptism date).
Verification of Completion of Baptism Preparation Class (Instructions for registering online for our classes is included in packet)
Godparent Form(s) signed and completed (one for each Godparent)
Copy of your child’s official Birth Certificate
We look forward to walking with you as you prepare to have your child baptized in the Roman Catholic Church. If you have any questions, you may reach us at the contact information listed below.
Since baptism is an incorporation into the Church, it is an ecclesial event, not a private family celebration. (Can. 860). Therefore, baptisms ordinarily take place in one’s parish church and,
if possible, during Mass so that the entire community participates in welcoming the newly baptized. Where this in not feasible, the baptism still should take place communally in the presence of as many of the community of the faithful as might be able to attend.
Baptism Requirements for St. Vincent de Paul parish.
These are the requirements to get your baby baptized at St. Vincent’s.
1. You must take, or have taken, a Baptism Class in the last 3 years.
2. You need to complete a Baptism Registration Forms.
3. Signed forms from each godparent.
4. A copy of the baby's official government Birth Certificate.
5. A copy of your government ID (driver’s license, passport etc.)
Who Can Be a Godparent?
Requirements for Godparents. One or two persons are permitted as godparent(s). It must be one male and/or one female. Godparents must be over the age of 16 and have received all of their sacraments including confirmation. If they are married, they must be married in the Catholic Church or validated in the Catholic Church. Godparents must be a practicing Catholic. A non-Catholic Christian, could only be a “Christian witness.” In case that the parents choose to have a Christian witness, they must have a practicing Catholic godparent as well for their child. (CCL #873)
Pre-Baptism Class
Preparation class is required for the parents of children to be baptized. It is optional for the
Godparents if the baptism is to take place at St. Vincent’s. Class time is 7pm - 9pm and USUALLY scheduled for the 1st Thursday of each month, but subject to change. The pre-baptism class for parents (and godparents) has a fee of $10, (per person), for St. Vincent de Paul registered families and $20 (per person) for non-registered attendees. We no longer offer childcare services during the baptism class.
Please contact the Baptism Coordinator, Kelly Hermann at 713-667-9111 or, for registration information and forms.
Helpful Hint:
This is a large parish, and we are booking baptisms up to 2 months in advanced for our next available dates, so please plan ahead.
Parish RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Click here for RCIA page
Interested in joining the Catholic Church or have questions about the Catholic Faith?
Have a spouse, friend, family member or fiancé that may be interested in becoming Catholic?
Formal Classes will begin in the Fall.
Contact Laura Rivera – Director of Faith Formation at or 713-663-3528 for more information.