Eucharistic Ministers assist the priests and deacons in distributing Holy Communion as needed for Masses on weekdays and/or weekends. Some Extraordinary Ministers take Communion to homebound parishioners. Minimum requirements for becoming an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist are that you be a Catholic in good standing and a registered parishioner of St. Vincent de Paul parish. Training is required following which Extraordinary Ministers are commissioned by the Bishop.
The requirements to serve are:
-You are 18 years of age or a senior in high school
-A practicing Catholic, registered at SVdP
-Have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation
-Live in conformity with the teachings of the Catholic Church, including the teachings on
Sacramental Marriage
For information contact, Peter Nguyen,
Ministry to the Homebound
(For trained Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion ONLY)
You may join this ministry if you are a practicing Catholic who has been confirmed. You also will be required to attend a Virtus training program before you will be assigned to provide this kind of pastoral visit to someone at home. All necessary information and supplies will be given out during
the training session.
For more information please contact, Peter Nguyen,